Why you should document your pregnancy

467 700 Hillary Gustaveson

I hear it from so many expectant mothers. “I feel so huge right now….” “I don’t want to capture my huge belly right now!” “I’ll do it with the next pregnancy… I feel too fat with this one.” It really makes me sad when a Mom chooses not to capture their growing belly. Here are the many reasons why you should document your pregnancy.

Its the beginning of your story.

This is the beginning. This is the start of our new babies life. Think of your life in the form of an album (this is how a photographer thinks at least)… what is the beginning? The pregnancy! Majority of my maternity clients do the watch me grow package, which means they end up ordering a custom album to pass down to their child in the future. The beginning is always the maternity session.

You are not as big as you think!

There’s a growing baby in that belly. It’s obviously going to be large… embrace it. What other time in your life does a photo session focus on your belly?! Celebrate it. Let your other kids kiss and hold it. Enjoy it.

How many times will you be pregnant?

In all seriousness, think about it. We all have plans in life. We all think “we’re going to have x number of kids… we’ll do a session next time”— but what if you don’t? What if you decide down the line not to have any more children? What if you can’t hold a pregnancy in the future? I am so thankful I had a maternity session done when I was pregnant with my daughter… I felt horrible but I was so incredibly swollen and huge- but I am so happy I have those portraits.

What to do with the portraits?

Lets face it- we’re in a digital era where everything is stored on our phones, Facebook profiles and computers. Will those be accessible when this baby is 20? Probably not. I am a huge believer in providing professional products that will be able to be passed down generation to generation. Most of my clients order one of my stunning albums from their session for them to enjoy now, and then pass down in the future.

Time is running out…

Once baby comes— it’s too late for portraits! I have seen it happen many times— a client is scheduled for a session with me and it’s scheduled so late that the baby is born before we have a chance for the session. Don’t wait too long! 28-34 weeks is perfect!