Misc. & Personal

Happy 1st birthday to our Sugar

150 150 Hillary Gustaveson

I know- I haven’t posted much at ALL. I have been completely unable to work because of my torn meniscus and broken toe– SO not even fun on top of pregnancy! Now I am pretty much on maternity leave until July. Anyway- I apologize for the slowness on my social media and whatnot! Our little…

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I’ve been MIA and how I have been meal planning

150 150 Hillary Gustaveson

I have to apologize! I have been completely MIA since the holidays and I am so sorry! Let me explain briefly… First, like many of my friends I was absolutely swamped from August through December. After December 15, it slowed down. Phew! January is usually slow for most photographers but I had my Valentine and…

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Tips for Photographing Your Own Children

900 600 Hillary Gustaveson

As a mom, I completely understand how difficult it is to get great portraits of your own child. I find my child (and everyone elses) listens to everyone EXCEPT Mom. When my daughter was about 1-3, she refused to sit, listen or move the way I needed her to… we got grouchy faces, tongue sticking…

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A personal post…a time to ask why

150 150 Hillary Gustaveson

I debated for a while how I should write this post. I am not a private person. All my friends and family know this about me. My boyfriend is way more private than I am- sorry babe. I find comfort and healing when I know I am not alone in this journey. Never did I…

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Capturing her before she changes- San Diego Child Photographer

Hillary Gustaveson

I have been meaning to take my little one out for a few months to do her portraits before she hits the next stage in development… life kept getting ahead of me and it’s been about 8 months since I have taken her out to document her growth. Her hair was really long and then…

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Black Friday is coming- San Diego family photographer

150 150 Hillary Gustaveson

It’s around the corner! Are you ready? Make sure to follow this page, my fan page and the newsletter to get the details on Thanksgiving!

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Happy 7th birthday, my baby girl

Hillary Gustaveson

Today is my daughters 7th birthday. 7 years! I can’t believe it. Seriously time goes just way too quickly. Thank you Lilly for teaching me to be strong, to be a hard worker and to never give up. I tell her every day that everything I do, is for her. I can’t believe how fast…

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First day of school for us!

Hillary Gustaveson

Today my Facebook feed is FILLED with all the ADORABLE “first day of” pictures since most schools in our district started today.  It’s always bitter sweet to me… how can my baby be a first grader already? Many of you have been following me since I had a newborn and have watched her grow through…

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Happy Mother’s Day – San Diego Family Photographer

150 150 Hillary Gustaveson

Wishing all of you a wonderful Mother’s Day! xoxoxoxoxoxo

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