Posts By :

Hillary Gustaveson

Tips for Photographing Your Own Children

900 600 Hillary Gustaveson

As a mom, I completely understand how difficult it is to get great portraits of your own child. I find my child (and everyone elses) listens to everyone EXCEPT Mom. When my daughter was about 1-3, she refused to sit, listen or move the way I needed her to… we got grouchy faces, tongue sticking…

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Best ages to capture

900 600 Hillary Gustaveson

Lets face it. Kids grow fast. Newborn, then crawling, then 1st birthday and before you know it, they’re starting kindergarten! Lets break down the important stages I suggest you document professionally. Maternity   This isn’t really a baby stage, however, maternity is the beginning of the journey. I love photographing maternity portraits- especially when we include the…

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Preparing for your family portrait session

667 1000 Hillary Gustaveson

With a bit of planning before your portrait session, you can have a seamless stress free session. I don’t want my clients to feel overwhelmed or stressed during their sessions. Here are a few steps how you can prepare for your session. Choose your clothing wisely   I have a pinterest board of tons of ideas…

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What to do with your portraits

900 675 Hillary Gustaveson

Everyone asks me what most customers decide to order during their ordering appointments. The truth is everyone orders different things. Some clients wish to fill their walls with canvas wraps. Some invest in a custom album either during each session, or a big one at the end. Some decide a digital collection is what they…

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How to prepare for your newborn pictures

900 600 Hillary Gustaveson

Hooray! We’re all scheduled for your newborn portrait session! Now how to prepare? That’s the big question I always get asked is how to prepare for your session. Follow these simple steps and you’ll be all ready to go! Make sure to have your session scheduled before baby is due. Once your baby arrives, parents…

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Benefits of an in home newborn portrait session

900 600 Hillary Gustaveson

The days all seem like a blur when baby is first born. You are barely sleeping, and when you do, you are woken up every hour to feed, change baby, pump.. yadayada list goes on and on. The thought of leaving home with a new baby is a bit daunting. You packing up extra clothes,…

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Why you should document your pregnancy

467 700 Hillary Gustaveson

I hear it from so many expectant mothers. “I feel so huge right now….” “I don’t want to capture my huge belly right now!” “I’ll do it with the next pregnancy… I feel too fat with this one.” It really makes me sad when a Mom chooses not to capture their growing belly. Here are…

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How to prepare for your maternity session

900 600 Hillary Gustaveson

Preparing for your maternity portrait session can be just as stressful as a regular portrait session if you aren’t prepared well in advance. Here are a few tips and tricks to have an easy session just by being prepared. Clothing choices: My favorite selection for clothing is to be comfortable and wear something very simple.…

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Benefits of on-location maternity photography

900 600 Hillary Gustaveson

Aw! You’re pregnant! Such an exciting time. Now you have begun the process of finding a photographer for your pregnancy pictures. What an overwhelming process, I know. We have some amazingly talented photographers in our town to choose from. All of my sessions are on location. This means what I photograph you outside of a…

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