Welcome 2009!

150 150 Hillary Gustaveson

Welcome 2009! I am so looking forward to you. Here’s what’s in store with you and I…
-Tons of super awesome promotions for our super awesome blog readers and clients
-Photos from clients that just get better and better with each session
-A contest for free photography (when? Keep checking back!)
-More products and services offered to our clients
-LOTS of slideshows of weddings and portrait sessions and the possibility of clients earning FREE 11×14 art prints
-A new way YOU (yes… YOU) can earn discounts on your portrait sessions!
-A website just for those awesome boudoir/intimate photo sessions you all love!

There’s so much in store for Stills by Hill this year you will NOT want to miss out. Check the blog tomorrow for a promotion for potential wedding clients AND one for portrait clients!