Levin Wedding

150 150 Hillary Gustaveson

Right after I received my new equipment, I did some wedding shots for a dear friend who got married beginning of September. They came out beautiful and it was fun to shoot! I love doing weddings more and more!

**Note: It appears the images are getting cut off for some reason. If so, you can right click and image and hit “view image” (mozilla) or right click and save to your desktop so you can view it later**

Mazel Tov Nikki & Leon!

1 comment
  • Stephanie Williams Photography

    I have a blogspot blog as well, and came across the problem of the images being cut off. You need to widen your margins in your html. Go to “edit html” in the control panel and wherever you find max-width:
    widen it to 1000px

    -Stephanie Williams =)

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