Posts Tagged :

san diego childrens photography

Happy 29th to me! Celebrate with a $29 mini portrait session?! – San Diego Children’s Photographer

150 150 Hillary Gustaveson

First off, yes it’s my 1st 29th birthday today! Hooray I survived! There are times I wonder while having a 2 1/2 year old how us moms do it. Eek! Anyway, I asked my facebook fans what gift they would like ME to give to celebrate my birthday…most people suggested a $29 mini shoot. Ok!…

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Baby H is now 1! – San Diego Child Photographer

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H’s 1st year totally flew by SO quickly! Sweet little H has grown into this adorable toddler who just melts your heart when he smiles at you! He didn’t want to eat any of his cake— he was more interested in painting with it! Come on… does it get much cuter?! Thanks for allowing me…

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Just a moment with my cutie pie – San Diego Children’s Photographer

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Sometimes I get my baby girl dressed and I say “oh my goodness… lets do a quick photo session” so today I actually listened to myself and grabbed my camera and took about 10 minutes to photograph her at home. This is such her personality. She had to jump up and down, sing a s0ng,…

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Just a regular Tuesday afternoon with my baby- San Diego Child Photographer

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I decided it had been almost 6 months since I took my baby out for pictures. It always is such a challenge because any photographer will tell you that it’s very hard photographing your OWN children. She knows why I am trying to get her dressed cute.. she know’s why I am attempting to do…

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Welcome baby Andrew – San Diego Newborn and Child Photographer

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Sweet little Andrew sure did not want to be in his birthday suit for his portrait session! He is too precious and he is very lucky to have two big sisters who love to help mom & dad out, read to him, and tell stories! I love doing my newborn sessions in peoples homes because…

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Welcome baby Madeleine – San Diego newborn and baby photographer

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Sweet little Madeleine was born back in October but since we combined two sessions, I am blogging them together 🙂 How cute is she? Daddy is a retired pro baseball player so we had to integrate his uniform in the shots 🙂 She’s so sweet! I can’t wait for her 6 month session around the…

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Valentines Mini Sessions- San Diego Children’s Photographer

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I photographed a series of mini sessions last month for Valentines and I’m excited to finally be able to blog them now that all orders have been placed and also the Valentines day has passed! (So many people did them as gifts)… aren’t the kids so cute?! I love it. Enjoy! A few shots are…

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Baby Andrew: A sneak peek! – San Diego Newborn & Children’s Photographer

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Oh sweet baby Andrew… I can’t wait to edit the rest of these! Welcome sweet little boy! I am so excited to photograph you as you grow this year! 🙂 Like what you see? make sure to hit “like” and “share” to share with your social networks!

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