Posts Tagged :

la mesa child photographer

The Galione Family – San Diego child & family photographer

150 150 Hillary Gustaveson

I photographed these two families together so they could do their Christmas gifts for their parents— aren’t they so cute? The kids are so lucky to have portraits with their cousins to look back on when they are older. And grandma is lucky to get a portrait of the family all together 🙂 Isn’t their…

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Miss Addison & Family – San Diego child & family photographer

150 150 Hillary Gustaveson

I love photographing Addy. Seriously she gets cuter and cuter every single time. The little things she says now are just so funny. Like I was trying to get her to sing to me during the pictures and I said (to the tune of “brown bear what do you see?”) “Addy, Addy, what do you…

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The Ney Family- San Diego Baby & Family Photographer

150 150 Hillary Gustaveson

Seriously so sweet! I love the naturalness of the Ney’s mini holiday session I photographed a few weeks ago. Little L is just too adorable and has these BIG beautiful blue eyes— watch out mom & dad… serious cutie on your hands! 🙂 Thanks again! Like what you see? Make sure to hit “like” and…

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Sneak Peek: Miss Addison – San Diego Child Photographer

150 150 Hillary Gustaveson

Oh goodness miss Addy…everytime I photograph you, you become cuter and cuter! Can’t wait to edit these! Like what you see? Make sure to hit “like” and “share” to share with your facebook friends!

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Sneak Peek: Andrew at 8 months- San Diego Children’s Photographer

150 150 Hillary Gustaveson

Oh sweet Andrew– you are so stinkin cute I love it! Can’t wait to edit these adorable portraits! Like what you see? Make sure to hit “like” and “share” to share with your facebook friends!

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Sneak Peek: The Hudson Family- San Diego child & family photographer

150 150 Hillary Gustaveson

Serious cuteness…little E and S were little ham’s for me… but look how sweet they are. Sometimes you just need to give your sister a big hug. More coming but enjoy these in the meantime! Like what you see? Make sure to hit “like” and “share” to share with your facebook friends!

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Sneak Peek: Sofia turns one! – San Diego Child Photographer

150 150 Hillary Gustaveson

Oh Em Gee! Wait till you see the rest! Sofia turned one and here’s a sneak peek from her session! Like what you see? Make sure to hit “like” and “share” to share with your family and friends!

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OH sweet baby N- San Diego Children’s Photographer

150 150 Hillary Gustaveson

Can you seriously just eat her up? I still can’t get over little N’s cuteness… finally we got some smiles out of her it took a while 🙂 She’s just too cute! I can’t wait to see how their custom framed print works in their home! Like what you see? Make sure to hit “like”…

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The Weaver Family- San Diego on-location family and child photographer

150 150 Hillary Gustaveson

This post is a little delayed (thank you Weaver family for being so patient!) but well worth it 🙂 I photographed the Weaver family in their home (my favorite place for sessions!) and had fun documenting them! Like what you see? Make sure to hit “like” and “share” to share with your facebook friends 🙂

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