Posts By :

Hillary Gustaveson

A big announcement is coming!

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Keep checking back for a really cool announcement… it will be a very cool package I am going to be offering for portrait sessions and if you are pregnant or just had a baby, you will definitely want to be in on it 🙂 There might even be a super cool discount offered! Hang in…

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Sneak Peak-The Kennett family

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Just a teaser! Rest of the images coming soon! 🙂

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The Ewan Family

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What a nice family! They hired me to do their family pictures and we went down to Balboa Park and did some shots. Enjoy the images! Here is the slide show: Click HERE Here are some pictures:

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Holiday Sessions… Oh My!

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What a great time to get your holiday sessions done–the kids are back at school with clean hair cuts, new clothes and life hasn’t gotten TOO hectic yet… get your family holiday sessions done soon! My cut off is October 11th! I know it’s early this year, but do you want me shooting and risking…

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Intimate Sessions-Miss R

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Because of Miss R’s preferences, I can only show one image….bummer I know! They all came out so beautiful and I wish I could show them ALL but you know… 🙂 She had her session done for her soon to be husband! GREAT wedding gift I tell ya!

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A sneak peak of the Ewan family….

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JUST a sneak peak! More coming soon!

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Intimate Sessions: Mrs. D.

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From the August 17th intimate sessions, here are some of the beautiful intimate pictures Mrs. D. got! Aren’t they amazing? I wish I could show them ALL but you know 🙂 Thank you to the wonderful Hotel Sophia downtown San Diego and make up was done by the AMAZING Krys Ignacio (she does weddings too).…

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Sorry if you tried to email me…

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My email is currently down and should be up by Tuesday. If you got a message bounced back to you, I haven’t gone anywhere and I will be contactable here soon. If it’s really important, feel free to call me 619 -328-9918 and I will get back to you as soon as I can. THANK…

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A note on ONE birthing option

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So I know natural birth isn’t for everyone and people have their views, but we are choosing to go natural for many reasons. We are doing the Bradley Method and I think it will be really good for us. I wanted to share the link to the Bradley instructor whos classes we are in the…

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