Holiday Sessions… Oh My!

150 150 Hillary Gustaveson

What a great time to get your holiday sessions done–the kids are back at school with clean hair cuts, new clothes and life hasn’t gotten TOO hectic yet… get your family holiday sessions done soon! My cut off is October 11th! I know it’s early this year, but do you want me shooting and risking YOU having to take me to the hospital because I went into labor at your session?! haha.
Anyway… I am going to be shooting again starting right after Thanksgiving but if you need images for Christmas and Hanukkah, there will be a rush fee added on.
I do not have much free weekends left until October 11th so if you haven’t booked your session yet, I would do that quickly!
I might do quick mini sessions at the park beginning of October… if so they will be announced asap 🙂