Posts By :

Hillary Gustaveson

Introducing Colton Michael- San Diego Newborn Photographer

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I have been so anxious to post these pictures of our new nephew, Colton Michael. Don’t steal his name, ok? I think it’s so cute. Remember the maternity session I posted a month or so ago of them in the redwoods…. he finally arrived! Anyway… he is seriously one of the cutest little things and…

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Happy 1st birthday Liam & Juliet- San Diego Family Photographer

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I can’t believe time has flown so quickly that little Liam & Juliet– whom I photographed in the NICU when they were born, then their newborn session where they BOTH fit in my little cocoon, and their 6 month session where Juliet seemed to throw up all over the place (such a trooper she was!)……

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When you have to get work done…

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Doesn’t the image say it all? (Don’t judge the picture by the quality… it was taken with my iphone) Sometimes we are just so busy we don’t have time to sit and work– we take advantage of our other time and work. Lilly apparently had a lot of emails to respond to and blog postings…

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The Sanders Family- San Diego Family photographer

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I have been waiting to post the Sanders Family but am so excited I can finally post it… I can’t get over how cute S is! She’s adorable. She brought along her auntie and cousin for a few shots and love what I got.   I find it really cute that by the end of…

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A day in the life of the potty training mom- San Diego Photographer

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So I rarely post non-photography related posts, however, I feel that you should know a little more about me… more then the little photo of me at the top and the “about me”… so you will be seeing some more posts about my life.. hope you don’t mind 🙂 Who doesn’t like a random tangent…

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Happy 2nd Birthday, Addison! – La Mesa Children’s Photographer

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I have photographed miss Addy a few times now and I swear every time I photograph her she gets cuter and cuter! I photographed her for her 2nd birthday and all she wanted to do was dance– I wish I was recording it–pictures don’t do it justice! These were shot in my studio in La…

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Back to school mini-sessions: Noah – La Mesa Children’s Photographer

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How adorable is Noah?! He’s all ready for school! Careful Noah– all the girls on the playground are going to chase after you cutie pie!

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Congrats to the Kerby Family!- San Diego Family Photographer

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Wow, there was a LOT of voting going on in the past week! A total of 1,041 voters voted for which family they felt deserved the free portrait session and 8×10 art print and by only 44 votes to take the win, the Kerby family won! Please email me or call me this week so…

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Celebrate Grandparents Day: San Diego Family Photographer

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I have a special place in my heart for grandparents… I am pretty jealous of those whose grandparents were able to be at their weddings, birth of their children, and just around to enjoy life with them. My grandparents all passed away a long time ago and I was pretty close with my maternal grandmother…

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