Capturing her before she changes- San Diego Child Photographer

Hillary Gustaveson

I have been meaning to take my little one out for a few months to do her portraits before she hits the next stage in development… life kept getting ahead of me and it’s been about 8 months since I have taken her out to document her growth. Her hair was really long and then she wanted it cut short– I meant to do portraits then and totally forgot. The shoe makers kids have no shoes, right? 🙂 Anyway, the next stage is coming… her first tooth is wiggly and I about cried when I noticed. Once that first tooth pops out, her entire look changes. A lot of my clients ask when a good time to document their elementary school age children is… if they haven’t lost those teeth yet– DO IT NOW! The baby look will be gone so quickly and you can’t go back!
Another amazing local photographer shared one of her secret spots with me and I decided to go check it out with Lill. HOLY FLOWERS! If you have shot with me during the spring, you know how quickly we have to schedule those sessions because the city mows them away SO quickly!
Luckily, I think this place is safe for a little bit longer!

I have to say, Lill was wanting to take her own pictures. Sure kid, here’s my professional gear- go ahead!


There goes my baby girl turning into a big girl before my eyes. She was telling me “I’m almost 8, which means I am pretty much almost a teenager…” OH EM GEE NO!

Anyway, here are some of my favs. <3


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