My appologies to my readers…

150 150 Hillary Gustaveson

I did not post yesterday! I am very sorry! I’m the worst blogger EVER! Just kidding. I had a very busy day… on top of the daily business goodies (phone calls, bills, editing) I had my 4 year old niece with me AND I had a case of the pregnancy sickies….so blogging wasn’t a big thing for me.

The good news: Intimate sessions are coming!!!!!  I am beyond excited for these you don’t even KNOW! If I can get them at the specific hotel I am in contact with, they are going to be  the talk of the town!  I am almost booked up for them and I haven’t even advertised them yet so if you are interested please let me know.  They are going to be May 3rd.

On a personal note: I have my 1st doctors appointment next week for my little blueberry (that’s the size now) and I will be 9 weeks!  I am so excited to see the little one on the screen. Not excited for blood tests. I am still trying to figure out how to go about this pregnancy and birth thing with no needles at all. Yea. The doctor laughed at me too when I said that.