Personal: Our Halloween Party details

150 150 Hillary Gustaveson

Oh I know it’s WAY past Halloween, but I haven’t had a chance to get our Halloween pictures up of the details from our party for our playgroup we hosted. I have blogged before, but I am incredibly addicted to pinterest. If you don’t know what it is, read my post. If you want an account (it’s free, but you have to have someone email you a link to sign up) just email me directly and I will send you one.

So anyway, on pinterest, I had created a board of Halloween ideas. Wow. I had major crafting ideas but during my busiest time of year, didn’t know how on earth I would pull it all off. SO, I picked a few fun things and went with it.

Here is the flooring I did. I bought white electrical tape (note to self– buy in BULK next year!) to do a “spider web” on my foyer floor. Wasn’t it cute??

halloween decorations crafts

I got the idea from here: Parenting Magazine

Then I kinda ran with all the other ideas. I bought organic natural apple juice boxes at Trader joes and wrapped them in electrical tape and glued on googlie eyes (once again… buy in bulk!!). I wrapped a mini pumpkin in cheesecloth dipped in liquid starch. I wrapped silverware with handmade spiders. Instructions here: Spider wraps.

halloween decorations crafts

I also made pumpkin cupcakes since I am a nut about nutrition I felt a *little* better making them. I bought vanilla cake mix at trader joes, and mixed in a can of pumpkin & pumpkin pie spice. The recipe here: Cupcakes. Mine def. aren’t as pretty as those but they were super yummy and I was ok letting Lilly eat one (ok, half of one 🙂 )

halloween decorations crafts

OH and you notice the crepe paper garland? Ya. Um… *the* cutest crafting idea you will find, however it took FOREVER to make. Here is how you can make them (more info will be on the post I will do soon for Lilly’s birthday party with all my crafts)…Crepe Paper streamers

Thank you for reading! Hope you enjoyed it 🙂