Peppermint sugar scrub with essential oils

Hillary Gustaveson

peppermint sugar scrub essential oils

Oh I am SO IN LOVE with my essential oils! I diffuse them, use topically, make scrubs, use for back pain etc… list is never ending 🙂

I found a recipe to make a peppermint sugar scrub and I made them for an oil party I had to give away to the people who came. I use it in my shower and it makes my skin SO SOFT!

Just be careful because the coconut oil on the tub can make it very slippery!



Mix in a bowl 2 cups of sugar (you can use brown sugar or white. I used brown)

1/4 cup of melted coconut oil (I had to microwave mine)

10-15 drops of peppermint oil (comes in your premium starter kit)

Mix all together and be prepared for your kitchen to smell AMAZING!


I bought the small glass jars at Target and this filled about 10-14 of those jars (depending how full you make them)


If you are ready to order your kit with your own oils, diffuser, become apart of a GREAT group of oil peeps for lots of support and join my personal facebook oil group, click here and make sure to email me directly to let me know you purchased so I can contact you.