Posts Tagged :

san diego photographer

Client holiday card’s from 2010- San Diego Photographer

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I love the holiday cards clients choose this year for their custom holiday card designs…so cute! Hope you enjoy They were all printed on press linen paper 🙂

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Zoe & Garrett – San Diego child & family photographer

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I have been photographing Zoe & Garrett since I started the business and have seen them grow into these adorable grown up kids who are so sweet and should be little models for me. I love photographing them as they totally go with the flow (of course after some persuasion from Garrett.) We did an…

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Baby H at 6 months- San Diego Child Photographer

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Baby H has gotten so big since I photographed his newborn session! He gets cuter each time and his little personality just shines through I can’t wait for his 12 month birthday session! Like what you see? Make sure to hit “share” to share on your social networks

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The Hester kids- San Diego Child & Family Photographer

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Meet my cousins. I love how their personalities are so different yet you see similarities between all of them in some way. Jake is a complete ham and so smart… and I feel like sometimes when he talks he’s about 30… Tori is quiet (although her mom might say different) and very creative… Ashlyn is…

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Oh sweet Enzo – San Diego child & family photographer

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Enzo’s mom & I went to art school together and have stayed in touch for the past few years… our kids are only a few months apart so it’s nice to chat about what cute (or frustrating) things our kids are up to… and I have to say that Enzo is such a handsome sweet…

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Little Sydney -San Diego child and family photographer

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Little Sydney was not happy to be having a photo session with me… period. She was so quiet and refused to show me any of her beautiful smile.. however I was able to finally get a shot of it and love it! She’s a beautiful little girl and I am so happy I was able…

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Basquez Family – San Diego Child & Family Photographer

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Oh sweet Addy… you get cuter each time I photograph you! I love that mom AND dad were both able to be in pictures this time 🙂 I love how this session came out… the color of the chair with the contrast of her dress… just so perfect. Thanks guys!

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The WooLLey family – San Diego Family Photographer

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I had to make sure I had both L’s in their name since there’s a little joke along with that…. oy! Anyway, Joann is one of *the* best baby sign instructors you will ever come across. She has taught numerous kids to sign and communicate with their parents better… I am so beyond thankful she…

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A preview of the holiday party photo booth – La Mesa Photographer

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If you missed out on the holiday party, you REALLY missed out! Did you know about it? I post all the events in my newsletter (you can sign up for that right on the main page of my website) and also on the facebook fan page. Not everything gets put on the blog as I…

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