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san diego photographer

Baby T is coming! – San Diego maternity photographer

Hillary Gustaveson

I looooove how these portraits came out of Lacey & Shawn’s maternity session! They look so beautiful together and I am so excited to photograph little T after he arrives! Love love love! Like what you see? Make sure to hit like and share below!

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Mazel Tov, Elijah! – San Diego Photographer

Hillary Gustaveson

Elijah celebrated became a Bar Mitzvah last month, and I was so honored to be able to photograph the family portraits and a little in the synagogue. Aren’t they a beautiful family? I am so happy I was able to get portraits of his grandparents with him… he is so lucky they were able to…

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A peek at one of our albums- San Diego Family Photographer

Hillary Gustaveson

One of the top albums is the Hungtington fine art album. If you have seen it in person you know exactly why it’s so stunning. The paper is absolutely beautiful…the pages all have a white 1″ trim around the edges and the printing is just delicious. This particular sample I ordered of a family has…

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Annual Mothers Day Portraits – San Diego Family Photographer

150 150 Hillary Gustaveson

Every year, I host a Mothers Day portrait session for my clients. I think there’s nothing better then making sure in 20 years your children have a portrait with YOU to hold onto. These sessions can be for a generational portrait, a mom with her family, a maternity portrait, someone who is like your mother…

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Sneak Peek: William, Tristan & Peter- San Diego Baby Photographer

150 150 Hillary Gustaveson

Oh sweetness— William, Tristan and Peter are 6 months old! Just a sneak peek… more coming!! Like what you see? Make sure to hit “like” and share below to share with your social networks!

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Welcome baby Hannah! – San Diego Newborn Photographer

150 150 Hillary Gustaveson

Oh sweet baby Hannah! You are SO adorable! Welcome to the world! Barely 24 hours old and I had the pleasure of photographing you with mommy & daddy. No worries, I will photograph you next week with your big sister at home 🙂 Have I mentioned how much I *love* photographing new babies in the…

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A glimpse of the final product- San Diego Child & Family Photographer

150 150 Hillary Gustaveson

Here is a little glimpse of a canvas wrap wall gallery that one of my clients just had delivered. I should have moved the sofa over a smidge before shooting the image…ah! Anyway we did two 20×24 wraps, two 8×10’s and one 11×14. Also this is an example of when I want the full image…

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Just a regular Tuesday afternoon with my baby- San Diego Child Photographer

150 150 Hillary Gustaveson

I decided it had been almost 6 months since I took my baby out for pictures. It always is such a challenge because any photographer will tell you that it’s very hard photographing your OWN children. She knows why I am trying to get her dressed cute.. she know’s why I am attempting to do…

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Spring Mini Sessions- San Diego Child and Family Photographer

150 150 Hillary Gustaveson

I just made a slight change to the spring mini sessions I announced in my newsletter last week. The ad below includes a session in the studio which is in downtown La Mesa. You will receive a complimentary 5×7 art print with your placed order! You also receive mini session pricing on prints during your…

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