Posts Tagged :

san diego photographer

…and we’re BACK! – San Diego Photographer

150 150 Hillary Gustaveson

I’m BACK from Vegas! I attended WPPI which is a photographers conference (there were like 14,000 people there I was told!) where there were some absolutely A-Mazing photographers speaking and I got to also meet up with a ton of my photographer friends from all over the world. One of the things I took away…

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The Stenehjem Family- San Diego Family Photographer

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Meet the Stenehjem Family– I did their on-location portrait session at Balboa Park and little miss A was so adorable. She had a lot of fun running around and jumping up and down and then just being a silly girl. Her big red curls are so beautiful! Thanks Stenehjem family!

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The Abraham Family – San Diego Family Photographer

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Little miss S is SO precious! I have a new little friend 🙂 This family is so cute 🙂 We had fun down at Presidio park and S loved twirling around and around in the big purple petticoat 🙂 I look forward to more sessions with this adorable family 🙂

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The Fasbinder Family- San Diego Children’s Photographer

150 150 Hillary Gustaveson

Meet the Fasbinder’s– they were the grand prize winners for a complimentary session from my grand opening! Aren’t they so cute? Love this family!

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Miss Lilly is 6 months old! – San Diego Childrens Photographer

150 150 Hillary Gustaveson

I can hardly believe it! My baby is officially 6 months old! Time really flies. As usual, I get out the camera and test her cuteness every month birthday and sure enough, she never lets me or her fans down! How funny–someone saw us at the mall and said she is the most photographed baby!…

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Little Miss Corinne- San Diego Children’s photographer

150 150 Hillary Gustaveson

You might remember Josh and Lara’s wedding we shot last year (see HERE)…well they had me photograph their adorable family as Corinne is almost one! I can’t believe how fast time FLIES! Corinne was SUCH a tropper as we kept moving around through balboa park and put her in the infamous tutu! Hit play to…

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