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rancho bernardo child photographer

Happy 2nd Birthday Trevor! – San Diego & Colorado child photographer

Hillary Gustaveson

One of my sweet little nephews turns 2 today. We are so excited to be here in Colorado visiting him while he celebrates 🙂 I can’t believe how fast time has gone– feels like we were just here after he was born 🙂 Happy birthday baby boy! Teetee loves you SO much!

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Little Asher- San Diego Child Photographer

Hillary Gustaveson

How stinkin ADORABLE is Asher! Oh Em GEE. Seriously. Love. SO cute! Please remember to use the share buttons below to share with your friends! 🙂

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The Vercollone Family- San Diego child & family photographer

150 150 Hillary Gustaveson

We had so much fun shooting down at Mission trails…little D & G are SO adorable and I love how they were prefect for me during our shoot! Aren’t they so cute? Thanks Vercollone family! It was so nice working with you! Remember to share below with your friends!

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Happy 2nd Birthday, Callie! – San Diego Child Photographer

Hillary Gustaveson

Oh sweet Callie– how much have I loved photographing you in the past two years! Each time I see her she gets cuter and cuter…I love it. Her personality just shines through her adorable little face. Seriously how stinkin cute is she?! Make sure to watch the video below! Make sure to like and share!

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Happy birthday Super D!- San Diego child photographer

Hillary Gustaveson

Oh sweet Dylan… I love every time I photograph him he gets more and more entertaining as he has grown up! I love how his uncle was visiting during this session (his auntie was visiting during his last session) so we were able to capture them together as they had fun playing! Happy 2nd birthday,…

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Happy birthday, Jakob! – San Diego child photographer

Hillary Gustaveson

Sweet little Jakob came in for his birthday session and cake smash… oh EM Gee! SO so so cute! Normally the babies at their birthday sessions are barely learning to walk– they can usually take a few steps and fall down. No– not J… he seriously gave me a run for my money with his…

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Happy birthday, Arabella! – San Diego child photographer

Hillary Gustaveson

Little Arabella is so adorable! Her session in my La Mesa studio was going wonderful until we brought out the cake to do her cake smash for her birthday…oh emm gee! She refused to touch her cake. You would never know by looking at the portraits (except one of her crying) but once she got…

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Did someone say bath time? – San Diego child photographer

Hillary Gustaveson

I absolutely love photographing little D… he gets more fun with every session and capturing him growing up has been so much fun. His auntie was in town visiting, so we did a session at his home. Oh and when I noticed the big ole spa tub they had, I thought how adorable with some…

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Wishing you a happy new year!

Hillary Gustaveson

This is my last post of 2012. It has been such a wonderful year for my business and I thank all of you for being supporters of me. I can’t wait to see what 2013 will bring and continue to provide you beautiful portraits to enjoy 🙂 Today my session *almost* got rescheduled for rain.…

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