Posts Tagged :

el cajon photographer

Just a regular Tuesday afternoon with my baby- San Diego Child Photographer

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I decided it had been almost 6 months since I took my baby out for pictures. It always is such a challenge because any photographer will tell you that it’s very hard photographing your OWN children. She knows why I am trying to get her dressed cute.. she know’s why I am attempting to do…

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Pinch me I must be dreaming! Story on me! – La Mesa Photographer

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I got an email from a reporter who wanted to do a story on my business… how exciting huh??! SO, he came to interview me then sent someone to do pictures (of course I had my hair & makeup done 🙂 ) and now the story is published! Please go check it out and if…

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Welcome baby Madeleine – San Diego newborn and baby photographer

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Sweet little Madeleine was born back in October but since we combined two sessions, I am blogging them together 🙂 How cute is she? Daddy is a retired pro baseball player so we had to integrate his uniform in the shots 🙂 She’s so sweet! I can’t wait for her 6 month session around the…

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Valentines Mini Sessions- San Diego Children’s Photographer

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I photographed a series of mini sessions last month for Valentines and I’m excited to finally be able to blog them now that all orders have been placed and also the Valentines day has passed! (So many people did them as gifts)… aren’t the kids so cute?! I love it. Enjoy! A few shots are…

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Happy birthday miss Charlie! – San Diego Children’s Photographer

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I’ve photographed little miss Charlie since her newborns session… SUCH a precious little thing….. I’ve loved watching you grow little girl!

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Sneak peek of valentines photo sessions- La Mesa Childrens photographer

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Oh my goodness… so many cute kids coming through! I had a handful of sessions last weekend and I can’t wait for the others coming up this week! Here’s a sneak peek! Want your own tutu and wings? Contact Danbury Lane on etsy.. she’s local too so you can get your tutu in time for…

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The Strich Family- San Diego family photographer

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Here’s a sneak peek of the Strich family… more to come! 🙂

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Eleanor at 6 months – San Diego Child & Family Photographer

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Sweet little Eleanor is already shooting her 6 month session (at the time of the session she was a little bit older) and she gets cuter each time! I have photographed them numerous times and I love how each time Maggie and Carson become bigger ham’s for me 🙂 I can’t wait for her 12…

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Client holiday card’s from 2010- San Diego Photographer

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I love the holiday cards clients choose this year for their custom holiday card designs…so cute! Hope you enjoy They were all printed on press linen paper 🙂

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