Stills by Hill Photography

Boutique photography serving San Diego, California

Sneak peek: Zoe & Garrett – San Diego Family Photographer

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Oh I love photographing these kids… they have been with me since I started… this was SUCH a fun session… I can’t wait to edit them all! 🙂

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A view inside the studio: La Mesa photographer

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I can’t believe it’s been over a YEAR and I am JUST NOW getting to posting images from the studio. I kept waiting for it to be clean, then I’d have an event and it’d be messy… then time just passed by quickly… so my amazing mom came to help me clean the studio so…

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Sneak peek: Addison – San Diego child & family photographer

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Oh sweet Addy… you are so stinkin cute! I can’t wait to edit the rest!

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Sneak peek- Cousins in tutus – San Diego child photographer

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Oh our on-location portrait session in downtown La Mesa was so much fun! I can’t wait to post them! In the meantime you can get your tutu’s for photo sessions, Christmas and Hanukkah pictures and birthday parties from Danbury Lane on Etsy!<p>

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See you Saturday—rain or shine!

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A friend of mine is putting on a holiday shopping expo in the studio on Saturday, November 20th! Come stop in! PS those of you who have paid for your halloween photos can come pick them up then! See the facebook event HERE Mark your calendars! Support your local small businesses and family at our…

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The Tashman family – San Diego family photographer

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So the Tashmans came to visit and hired me for a last minute photo session down at the Hotel Del Coronado. It was a beautiful day and a family that kept me laughing through the session– I felt like I was photographing my own family… funny how that works. You realize similarities between little things!…

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A little bit of Halloween part 3 – La Mesa Childrens Photographer

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Many of you remember the Halloween mini sessions I held in my studio on Halloween and I was so excited to see so many new people there! My studio was COVERED in hay for a few days but that’s ok 🙂 Enjoy the cuteness! Your orders will be in soon for you to pick up…

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