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Hillary Gustaveson

Today, May 10th, 2008

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We have a booth at Babies R Us in La Mesa at the Pamper Mom Day! See us from 11-3… stop by say hello and see some new samples!  On display–the canvas’s we are now offering which are super amazingly beautiful. Come say hi!  Send your friends!

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Are you a greenie? Enjoy these plates!

150 150 Hillary Gustaveson

So this stuff is the COOLEST! I am hoping to try it out one day.. I saw it on the morning news. I HATE disposable things…especially eatery.  For parties, no one wants to use paper and plastic (unless it’s a casual bbq)…. these disposable plates and cutlery are made of bamboo and they decompose once…

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Come see us at Belmont Park!

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May 17th we will have a booth at Family Fun day at Belmont Park! It should be fun for the whole family! Stop by and check us out!

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Sneak Peak at Intimates!

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All you get to see for now! You missed out if you didn’t have your session… it was so fun and the next one won’t be until August or September (or unless I have a bunch of inquiries to create another marathon day) Enjoy!

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Finding a stroller…who knew?

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Can I tell you how DIFFICULT this is? OH My GOODNESS!  We went this weekend (3rd visit) to USA baby (super fun store here) to test out and look at different strollers…gosh there were like 250 strollers in there… where to even BEGIN?! We have some requirements which apparently narrows out like 80% of strollers. …

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Today is finally here! Intimates!

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The day I have been promoting like crazy is finally HERE!  Be on the look out for some super beautiful images in about a week or so–I ALWAYS show the images to the girls’ before I post them on here.  So if I don’t have many images posted it’s because of privacy and you just…

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It was a happy happy birthday!

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My dear hubbie Sam turned 32 on April 25th. We had the family over to have dinner (made tacos!) and yummie cake and ice cream. I have to share these two pics of my nieces (and sam) because I love those girls. And I think it’s hilarious how the little one can BARELY see over…

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Updated studio information!

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Most of you (previous clients) have received or will receive your letters about all the new things with the studio. I want to stress to you if you have any questions or concerns to please contact me! The big thing is the portrait sessions are now more of a lifestyle session where I am with…

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The wonderful Rachael from Massage Mastery…

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Rachael Paddock is a very good family friend who is an AMAZING massage therapist! She was one of the many people who helped get my back better last year.  She is writing a book and had me come over to do some pictures for it.  Here are two of her! Contact her for your massage……

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