Posts By :

Hillary Gustaveson

Attention Military Families

150 150 Hillary Gustaveson

Because we appreicate all you do for our country and know it’s hard being separated from your friends and family, we are announcing that we now offer a discount for our military families!  It is valid for all services, including weddings, intimate sessions and family sessions. Just give us a call or contact us from…

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Attention class of ’09….

150 150 Hillary Gustaveson

We are now offering senior pictures! None of those boring studio shots that just don’t show off who you really are… we capture you being YOU… which is what your parents REALLY want.  You will have a 2-3 hour (or however long you feel like up to 3 hour) session at an area in San…

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Baby shower invitations

150 150 Hillary Gustaveson

Here are the baby shower invitations I designed for Sarah from her maternity sessions! I offer custom invites, annountments, thank you notes and cards all professionally lab printed. These are thick flat cards, not photo cards. These are beautiful in person–on fine linen paper and the back is pink… way cute 🙂

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It’s finally here!

150 150 Hillary Gustaveson

We finally received our long (and worth it) letterpressed business cards and gift certificates!  They look AMAZING! I am very very impressed. My graphic designer did more then expected and the letterpress was phenomenal!  (If you want the graphic designers info I am happy to pass it on). The gift certificates are available for purchase…

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A change in our wedding packages….

150 150 Hillary Gustaveson

We made a change to our wedding packages in case you were interested in hiring us but weren’t sure if we offer certain things. We decided to add in the cd of pictures to all the packages (a $1250 value+) except hourly package options.  This is a huge step and we ALSO added in a…

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A new mothers special

150 150 Hillary Gustaveson

We offer this new mothers special for those of you who know you will want three sessions with us.  You can space them out how you wish– so for instance, a maternity session, a newborn session, and then a 4 month session.  Or you maybe want a newborn, 6 month then 12 month.  The rate…

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Sarah and Jason’s Maternity session-the rest!

150 150 Hillary Gustaveson

So my new policy is I do not post the sample pictures here until clients have had their viewing session in my studio, but since Sarah is having me design her shower invites (a service I provide!) I have to post them asap so she can see them 🙂 Not to mention they came out…

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Sarah & Jason: Maternity session!

150 150 Hillary Gustaveson

Here’s a sneak peak from Sarah and Jason’s maternity session this weekend! Sarah is due in September with little baby Elizabeth who is a true miracle beyond belief. Look for a few more later this week! 🙂

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2008 Wedding Discount!

150 150 Hillary Gustaveson

As of June 1, reserve your wedding photography for your 2008 wedding and receive 25% off your package! That’s a HUGE savings we are happy to pass onto those of you who haven’t selected your photographer yet and who are also looking to save some money in the end. Note-This is NOT valid for hourly…

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