Posts By :

Hillary Gustaveson

Intimates–One spot left

150 150 Hillary Gustaveson

That’s it! Down to one spot! If you are interested, you need to give me a call asap to reserve your spot. Or you can email me [email protected] Don’t miss it!!!!!

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Devon, Meghan and Madison

150 150 Hillary Gustaveson

So my nieces got a photo session with their cousin Devon thanks to their grandma Jeanne. They don’t really get to see Devon often since he lives far away so it was fun to see them all together. We had fun down at the beach and running all around Oceanside. See the slide show: CLICK…

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Happy birthday to my mom!

150 150 Hillary Gustaveson

Today is my mom’s ( 29th birthday! OK, so not really 29, but you know how it goes. We had a nice family party this weekend where everyone came over and swam and ate cake. My mom is the best—you can argue with me about your mom being the best, but I can’t back down…

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August is around the corner

150 150 Hillary Gustaveson

I can’t believe August is literally in a week! July BLEW by so fast and I knew that would happen. When you are busy shooting 2 weddings, doing 3 consultations, 6 portrait sessions and then going through your personal life such as celebrating our 3rd anniversary, doctor appointments for my pregnancy, and working on our…

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Sneak peak of the Durby family

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Oh I can’t wait to show you the rest! Not until next week though!

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Intimate Sessions… few spots left

150 150 Hillary Gustaveson

We have been booking up for the intimate sessions August 17th…. last one of 2008! Do not miss it! Contact us for more information! To see samples, click “intimates” on the right then expand the postings to see the pictures.

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July wedding: Vanessa and Dave

150 150 Hillary Gustaveson

We photographed Vanessa and Dave’s wedding July 6th at the Handerly Resort in San Diego. It was a beautiful wedding with every single detail completed beautifully! First enjoy the slide show: Click HERE to see it (it will open in a new window) Then enjoy some sample pictures: Vendors: Venue: Handerly Resort DJ: Dj Guy-Witz

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Weddings for the remainder of 2008 and 2009

150 150 Hillary Gustaveson

We are scheduling for the remainder of 2008 and select dates in 2009! Starting in January of 2009, we will be traveling for weddings so if you have your wedding in San Diego, Arizona or even Mexico, we will work out a package for you. Note for off season weddings we do offer a discount…

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Happy birthday to my niece

150 150 Hillary Gustaveson

**if you are interested in more information about the intimate sessions, select “intimates” on the right then expand the posts for pictures. You can always use the contact page on the main site** Today is my niece’s 5th birthday! I can’t believe how fast time flies….seems like yesterday I was anticipating my sister giving…

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