Posts By :

Hillary Gustaveson

Miss Lilly at 4 months-San Diego Childrens Photographer

150 150 Hillary Gustaveson

My little miss Lillyanna is 4 months old! Can you believe it? It seems like yesterday I was blogging about stroller options when I was 6 months pregnant! She’s too precious 🙂

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Review of the San Diego Bridal Show-San Diego Wedding Photographer

150 150 Hillary Gustaveson

WOW! How cool was our booth? Thank you to all of you who came by and saw us and said hello! The response has been wonderful–we have consultations lined up already and have a few spots left for 2009 weddings… We were a little saddened to see SO many photographers there. We were all told…

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Today! Come see us!

150 150 Hillary Gustaveson

Horray! Today is the San Diego Bridal Party wedding show… Sunday, March 8, 2009 12-5pm It’s at the new San Diego Hilton Bayfront on the 4th floor One Park Blvd, 92021 CLICK HERE for your complimentary tickets! **you MUST Bring your own bag in order to get in free*** *Watch the CW TV prime time…

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March Specials! San Diego Childrens Photographer

150 150 Hillary Gustaveson

You all have been asking what promotion I am doing next…here you go! You have two options… you can receive either a complimentary 11×14 mounted print with your new session, or receive 10% off the creation fee. You must book between today and the end of the month, but the session can take place at…

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Come See us at the San Diego Wedding Show-San Diego Wedding Photographer

150 150 Hillary Gustaveson

Sunday, March 8, 2009 12-5pm It’s at the new San Diego Hilton Bayfront on the 4th floor One Park Blvd, 92021 We are doing our first wedding show! How excited are we?  This show is beautiful every year and unlike some wedding shows, there’s not 20,000 photographers throwing pamphlets at you! The them of the…

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Welcome baby Benjamin-San Diego Newborn Photographer

150 150 Hillary Gustaveson

Remember the birth I shot of Hudson, then the adorable newborn session I did….well Hudson and Noah welcomed their cousin Ben into the world! Ben was very awake for most of the session and did not like me putting him in baskets and trays, but look at the end result! He’ll forgive me when he’s…

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Baby Elizabeth-San Diego Children’s Photographer

150 150 Hillary Gustaveson

You might remember the Paddocks from back in June when I did Sarah’s maternity pictures. Then Lizzie was born ittie bittie and I took some pictures in the nicu. Well look at the love bug now.. 6 months old, sitting up, eating solids… big girl! We had a great time with the pictures. Lizzie is…

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A little valenitnes card-San Diego childrens photographer

150 150 Hillary Gustaveson

Lilly wanted to say Happy Valentines Day 🙂 Hope you all had a nice one 🙂 Look for some fun posts coming this week including the big event we’re having and a big contest!

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Meet the Robertsons-San Diego family photographer

150 150 Hillary Gustaveson

I photographed the Robertsons a few weeks ago and they are such a nice family! We had fun (and I was super cold) running around Presidio Park with their dog, Misty. They wanted to do a family session with their dog who is getting really old and I’m happy to have given them memories they…

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