Posts By :

Hillary Gustaveson

In-studio style sessions- a sneak peek- La Mesa photographer

150 150 Hillary Gustaveson

You know a few weeks ago I announced my in-studio style sessions I am now offering at my La Mesa photography studio. I am located right in the heart of downtown La Mesa in the village right on Third and La Mesa Blvd… I couldn’t ask for a more PRIME location! (I know… I haven’t…

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San Diego Boudoir Casting Call: Voting time! – San Diego Boudoir Photographer

150 150 Hillary Gustaveson

Thank you to all of you who have submitted your pictures for the boudoir casting call! It was hard to narrow them down–every single one of you are so beautiful and I know how badly you want a session! I have narrowed the images down to the top 5 ladies. It was hard to narrow…

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Meet little Noah – San Diego Newborn Photographer

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Why, hello Noah! Your mommy & I went to high school together and I was so honored to photograph your on-location newborn session in your cute little room! I mean honestly, your room is pretty stinkin cute all custom designed and all! I know you weren’t feeling so hot during your session but you were…

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Happy Fathers Day! – La Mesa Photographer

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I wanted to just wish all you Dads, Grandpas, Moms who ARE mom & dad, men who are LIKE a dad and any others Happy Fathers Day! I am so thankful to have such an awesome dad (& father in law) and to have my hubby who is (in my opinion) the BEST father I…

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Boudoir Casting Call- San Diego Boudoir Photographer

150 150 Hillary Gustaveson

Here is your chance to enter into a casting call for a sassy little boudoir session at a downtown hotel! “What is a casting call?” you ask…well, I am looking for some fresh new material for the site, blog, and studio albums and what a better way to decide what to place on the site…

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Little Miss Ronni- La Mesa Childrens Photographer

150 150 Hillary Gustaveson

I have been photographing little miss Ronni since she was a few months old 🙂 How can I NOT want to photograph this little doll? Now that I am offering in-studio sessions, I thought I would post a quick sample of a quick mini session in the studio. Please contact me for pricing for the…

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Baby Jones is coming! – San Diego maternity photographer

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I am SO excited come JULY (or, beginning of August) when little Unnamed Jones comes (they haven’t selected his name yet!) because thats when I get to meet my new nephew! I was so excited to photograph my sister in law’s maternity session up in the redwoods while visiting them up a few weeks ago.…

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A HUGE announcement- La Mesa Photographer

150 150 Hillary Gustaveson

Here’s ONE of the big announcements you have been waiting for! I have added In-Studio sessions! I am of course offering on-location sessions still.. those are my pride and joy! These in-studio sessions are going to take place in my studio in downtown La Mesa and are available by appointment only. These are for newborn…

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Welcome baby Eleanor!- San Diego Newborn Photographer

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If you guessed the new baby sibling for Maggie & Carson was a girl you were right! Little Eleanor was born a few weeks ago and is just too cute! It was a pretty rainy day so we couldn’t go outside and do the big family shots, but we were able to take advantage of…

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