Posts By :

Hillary Gustaveson

Mrs. J’s boudoir session- San Diego Boudoir Photographer

150 150 Hillary Gustaveson

I can’t believe I haven’t blogged these yet from a boudoir marathon last year! J did her boudoir session as a Christmas gift to her hubby and he LOVED them! I absolutely *love* how these came out. How else can a mom of 3 young children, successful business owner and a wife make herself feel…

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Sneak Peek: Annette’s maternity session- San Diego Maternity and baby photographer

150 150 Hillary Gustaveson

Look at that beautiful belly holding not one, not two, but THREE babies! I can’t WAIT for these little pumpkins to arrive! (well I hope they stay in as LONNNNG as possible but you know what I mean)…. Annette you look beautiful. And not one stretch mark.. makes me a bit jealous 🙂 Like what…

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Sneak Peek: Maddox’s 1st birthday – San Diego Children’s Photgrapher

150 150 Hillary Gustaveson

Oh emm gee wait till you see this cutie pie…SO cute! Like what you see? Make sure to hit “like” and “share” to share with your facebook friends!

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Sneak peek of spring mini sessions: Smith Family

150 150 Hillary Gustaveson

Serious cuteness ahead… just warning you now 🙂 Here’s a sneak peek from the Smith Family’s spring mini session in the flower field!

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Just a regular Tuesday afternoon with my baby- San Diego Child Photographer

150 150 Hillary Gustaveson

I decided it had been almost 6 months since I took my baby out for pictures. It always is such a challenge because any photographer will tell you that it’s very hard photographing your OWN children. She knows why I am trying to get her dressed cute.. she know’s why I am attempting to do…

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Spring Mini Sessions- San Diego Child and Family Photographer

150 150 Hillary Gustaveson

I just made a slight change to the spring mini sessions I announced in my newsletter last week. The ad below includes a session in the studio which is in downtown La Mesa. You will receive a complimentary 5×7 art print with your placed order! You also receive mini session pricing on prints during your…

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A list of the raffle prizes for Sunday

150 150 Hillary Gustaveson

I hope you guys come out for the event in the studio on Sunday! Rain or shine we will be there! The antique show is in the village at the same time so you can definitely go to both! We have lots of raffle prizes that you will have a chance to win—when you come…

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A baby is coming… San Diego Maternity Photographer

150 150 Hillary Gustaveson

I *loved* this maternity session… it was at my FAVORITE San Diego location and also I am beyond excited for mommy & daddy for this baby girl 🙂 I can’t WAIT for baby Walker to come next month! I’m all ready to watch her grow up! 🙂 Aren’t you?! Like what you see? Make sure…

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Sneak peek: Baby Sofia at 6 months – San Diego Child Photographer

150 150 Hillary Gustaveson

Oh sweet Sofia! You made it REALLY hard for me to pick a sneek peek to post due to the overwhelming cuteness! I can’t wait to post more! Like what you see? Please hit share and like to share with your social networks!

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