Posts By :

Hillary Gustaveson

Personal: Oh yes… my kid is a TOTAL tester!

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So I just have to ask how you as a parent deal with the “testing” stage. I know it’s completely normal and part of development but it drives me nuts. Let me give a prime example. Lilly will be sitting on my lap and will pinch me or grab me hard for instance. I tell…

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Baby H is now 1! – San Diego Child Photographer

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H’s 1st year totally flew by SO quickly! Sweet little H has grown into this adorable toddler who just melts your heart when he smiles at you! He didn’t want to eat any of his cake— he was more interested in painting with it! Come on… does it get much cuter?! Thanks for allowing me…

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Sneak Peek: The Barczyszyn Family – San Diego Family Photographer

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Oh I can’t wait to post more! These girls were adorable and such a beautiful family 🙂 Like what you see? Make sure to hit “like” and “share” to share with your facebook friends!

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Sneak Peek: A set of newborn triplets – San Diego Newborn Photographer

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My first ever set of triplets I photographed… how adorable are they? 3 Adorable little boys and I can’t WAIT to edit the rest of these! Like what you see? Make sure to hit “like” and “share” to share with your facebook friends!

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Sneak Peek: The Weaver Family

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Oh little K is sooo cute! I can’t WAIT to post more!

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Rachel and Eric are now married! – San Diego Wedding Photographer

150 150 Hillary Gustaveson

It’s always fun photographing a bride you have known since you were ittie bittie. Rachel and I went to elementary school together and I was so excited when she called me to photograph her wedding! Rachel and Eric are such a cute couple and Eric just melts over Rachel… you can see it when they…

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Christmas in July – San Diego Child and Family Photographer

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I can’t believe it’s time again to announce Christmas in July! Well, really it’s holidays in July but that sounds funny 🙂 Summer is a great time to get your family portraits done…. the sun sets later (giving us much more time to work with) and the weather is great! Whenever I offer the summer…

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Welcome baby Trevor- San Diego newborn photographer

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I’m a little bias because this is my new nephew but come on… how cute is he? This is the first round of portraits… we will be doing more in the next few days with the rest of the family but I HAD to get these up. How precious is he? Teetee is a very…

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