Posts By :

Hillary Gustaveson

Sneak Peek: Miss Addison – San Diego Child Photographer

150 150 Hillary Gustaveson

Oh goodness miss Addy…everytime I photograph you, you become cuter and cuter! Can’t wait to edit these! Like what you see? Make sure to hit “like” and “share” to share with your facebook friends!

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Sneak peek: Welcome baby Hannah – San Diego Newborn Photographer

150 150 Hillary Gustaveson

Oh sweet baby Hannah– SUCH a beautiful baby… I can’t wait to edit the rest! Hang tight more coming! Like what you see? Make sure to hit “like” and “share” to share the images on facebook!

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Sneak Peek: The Galione Family – San Diego Child & Family Photographer

150 150 Hillary Gustaveson

Oh goodness… little K gave me a run for my money but lookie lookie– I see a smile 🙂 More coming! Like what you see? Make sure to hit “like” and “share” to share with your facebook friends 🙂

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Welcome baby Khloe – San Diego Newborn Photographer

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Oh baby Khloe is such a little beauty. Her lips are perfect and her full head of hair just to name a few things 🙂 Daddy was on deployment during her newborn session, but luckily I was able to photograph him in the hospital with her 🙂 Like what you see? Make sure to hit…

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Sneak Peek: Callie’s 6 month session – San Diego Baby Photographer

150 150 Hillary Gustaveson

Oh sweet Callie! You are just too stinkin cute!!!!! I have too many cute ones to choose from!!  🙂 🙂 Like what you see? Make sure to hit “like” and “share” to share with facebook friends!  

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Happy Halloween! – San Diego Child Photographer

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Halloween is HERE! My favorite holiday (except Hanukkah of course)… I have another blog post coming soon of my crafts I did to decorate this year…. let’s just say I completed like 10 of my pinterest inspiration’s and next year I am going to give myself more then a month to do all the crafts.…

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Halloween Party at Java Mama – San Diego Child Photographer

150 150 Hillary Gustaveson

If you missed out on Java Mama’s Halloween Party this year, you missed out. It was so cute seeing all the kids in costume!! I think there were about 4 Minnie Mouse’s this year! Anyway, The images are posted on the facebook page… feel free to tag yourself there so they show on your page.…

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Sneak Peek: The Young Family – San Diego Child & Family Photographer

150 150 Hillary Gustaveson

O.Em.Gee… serious cuteness. I can’t WAIT to edit this adorable cutie pie!!!! SO SWEET! Like what you see? Make sure to hit “like” and “share” to share with your facebook friends!

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Welcome baby Hannah! – San Diego Newborn Photographer

150 150 Hillary Gustaveson

Oh sweet baby Hannah! You are SO adorable! Welcome to the world! Barely 24 hours old and I had the pleasure of photographing you with mommy & daddy. No worries, I will photograph you next week with your big sister at home 🙂 Have I mentioned how much I *love* photographing new babies in the…

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