Posts By :

Hillary Gustaveson

The Devey Family- San Diego child & family photographer

150 150 Hillary Gustaveson

Oh sweetness… little J & G were little models for me. I adore this family…the are so sweet and their portraits came out beautiful. Can you tell we shot at Balboa Park? I was lucky to get in there (while 10 other photographers were shooting!) before the weather got bad again, and also just before…

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The Galione Family – San Diego child & family photographer

150 150 Hillary Gustaveson

I photographed these two families together so they could do their Christmas gifts for their parents— aren’t they so cute? The kids are so lucky to have portraits with their cousins to look back on when they are older. And grandma is lucky to get a portrait of the family all together 🙂 Isn’t their…

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Miss Addison & Family – San Diego child & family photographer

150 150 Hillary Gustaveson

I love photographing Addy. Seriously she gets cuter and cuter every single time. The little things she says now are just so funny. Like I was trying to get her to sing to me during the pictures and I said (to the tune of “brown bear what do you see?”) “Addy, Addy, what do you…

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Mini session of Colty – Santa Cruz Child Photographer

150 150 Hillary Gustaveson

Whenever we head up to Santa Cruz to visit my in-laws, I always have to do a quick session of one of my nephews. Seriously how cute is he??! I also was renting the 85 1.2 and wanted to see if I could chase around a busy toddler (since that’s most of my business) to…

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Sneak Peek: Baby Stella – Santa Cruz baby & family photographer

150 150 Hillary Gustaveson

Oh Stella! SO SWEET! I can’t WAIT (SERIOUSLY) to post this cuteness! Like what you see, make sure to hit “like” below the post to share with your friends!

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Cyber Monday Promotion!

150 150 Hillary Gustaveson

In honor of Cyber Monday, I have EXTENDED the small business saturday promotion! It will definitely be gone at 10pm tonight, so please make sure to hit the inquire button up top and submit your payment below to reserve your space. I am only allowing 5 people to book at this rate TODAY so once…

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Sneak Peek: The Devey Family- San Diego Child & Family Photographer

150 150 Hillary Gustaveson

Oh sweet goodness. I can’t WAIT to post these!!!!!! SOOOOOOOO Sweet!!!!! Like what you see? Make sure to hit “like” to share with your facebook friends!

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Small Business Saturday: Shop with the small businesses!

150 150 Hillary Gustaveson

If you know me, you know my views on big box stores such as WalMart, Costco, Target on the big corporations catering to everyone and their mothers and you are just a shopper. Walmart is the worst with them offering every service in the world which has taken away from SO many mom and pop…

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The Young Family- San Diego Family & Child Photographer

150 150 Hillary Gustaveson

Oh sweet little D is just SO yummy! I had fun photographing this adorable family up at Del Mar Beach and little D just went with the flow! How sweet is he?! I can’t *wait* to see how the album looks, along with your beautiful 30×30 framed storyboard! It’s going to be a-mazing! Like what…

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