It’s a happy 28th birthday to me… here’s my gift to you!

150 150 Hillary Gustaveson

I can’t believe it… my 28th birthday. I feel like I just graduated high school (except for the fact I just went to my 10 year reunion!) but I have accomplished a lot in my life so far! I am really happy my mom still loved me after pushing out a 9lb 10 oz baby. And yes– to this day it still gets brought up how big I was. Anyway, what does this have to do with you? I am giving you guys a birthday gift from me 🙂

I am offering customized gift certificates in any denomination with a FREE 28% amount on it. Huh? Ok– so buy a $100 gift certificate and you will receive $128 gift certificate. $200 you will receive a $256 gift certificate!

There’s no limit to the amount you can buy– however you DO need to purchase on September 22nd, 23 or 24th. You can pay via check, cash or google check out.

Stock up for the holidays! Birthdays, a newborn baby gift, wedding gifts, Christmas or Hanukkah gift, engagement gift (boudoir session!), the possibilities are endless. Oh and you can ALSO buy this for yourself to use for a future session!

So get ready… the date is right around the corner!

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