Well, 2011 is finally here. The year of change as everyone says (don’t they say that every year??) How did you guys celebrate New Years Eve? My hubby and I went to Vegas (free stay!) and all I can say is I won’t be heading there for New Years again… definitely overrated and if you are like me and don’t like crowds and 28 degree weather– you won’t care to head back!! It was nice getting away and seeing fireworks from the center of the strip but I was excited to head home for sure!
Anyway I have a few “resolutions” I am sharing with you all. Look.. I don’t hide anything… I’m pretty open and sometimes TOO open… so why not share with all of you? Make sure to post some of yours in the comment box (so I know the average 200ish daily viewers actually read this??) also so I can not feel lame for sharing my thoughts with everyone
First off, 2010 was great for me. Well there were some ups and downs but business wise it was all ups for sure. I had some amazing portrait sessions and met some really awesome people. I have become part of some really great groups of friends and also learned so much. My personal life has had ups and downs… we moved a few times, our baby turned TWO, my hubby finally got a job doing what he loved….so it’s been overall decent for us personally.
So what do I want to change for 2011?
Cooking is one. I am super lazy when it comes to cooking. Usually it’s 4:30pm and I ask my hubby “what do you want for dinner?” He responds with “I don’t know… whatever you want” ok well I have a box of organic mac and cheese in the cabinet… sounds good to me. So it’s mac and cheese, a veggie and usually some veggie meat along with it. So I am really trying to make more of an effort to cook more. But here’s the problem… I get SUPER intimidated at looking at recipes that have like more then 5 ingredients. I have the 5 ingredient vegetarian cookbooks and find recipes online, but I am so intimidated cooking! One of my sister in laws got me the Skinny Bitch vegetarian cookbook for Hanukkah and I have my first week of meal planning layed out! Trust me.. I am going to share the results with everyone because I need your support! Lilly and I went shopping for everything today and I hope it goes well because I had to buy a lot! So… meal planning & cooking at home more is one of my goals!
Another goal? Getting a little more in shape. Ok so notice I didn’t say loose 20 lbs? Yes I do need to shed the pounds.. however I don’t believe in diets or the fad trends that happen. I believe in eating healthy and getting your butt in gear is all you need. However I just have totally fallen off those wagons since becoming a mom and am really going to make an effort to get back on. I quit my gym membership last year so I am hoping to go walking in the mornings… I cut back on a few foods and as of about 3 months ago I became vegetarian again.
Another goal? Not being a slave to my DVR. What is it with my dang DVR that I get ALL my shows filled and nearly fill the stupid thing up and have to spend like 3 days watching and deleting?! I have my routine shows I can’t live without… Oprah, Ellen, Greys, Desperate Housewives, The Office…. but lets not forget 16 and Pregnant and Teen Mom of course. It would be so nice to just stop watching so much tv and be able to turn it off and not care. The problem is this…when I watch Ellen for instance, or see a friends status on facebook about what happened on one of those shows I watch, I want to go watch and see what they were talking about! I wish it was as easy as cancelling the cable in general (WOW that would save a LOT of money) but it’s not possible for us. How would you suggest stop watching so many shows?? I don’t watch them live because I am busy working….Oh I just thought how the goal of getting inshape connects to this goal of watching less tv LOL.
Lastly… Blogging. I am pretty good at keeping my blog up to date but I am hoping to do more personal posts (like this for instance) and also posting some video blogs soon. I hope you guys don’t mind seeing me in my home office in my pj’s and hair thrown up into a ponytail… right??
I think that’s about it. I think all 3 go hand in hand… if I watch less tv I can get my butt in gear and shed more weight and also if I cook more at home I would loose weight, right? I think so.
It’s exciting to think what I will be writing 1 year from now when I write what my goals are for 2012… where will we be?
Happy new year to all of you! I wish you all a great year and lots of goals to reach Remember to leave me a comment saying what some of your goals are!